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Tim and Caroline

Now, I’m sure some of you have heard of the phrase sliding into his DMs, maybe. But did you know that this girl was one of the first to actually do so? She mustered up the courage and decided she needed to make the first move, sending him the Facebook message that will surely go down in the history books.

“You’re really cute. I like your band” and folks for the first time. We have receipt.

I just kept wondering how many more months will this lovey dovey, mushy honeymoon phase actually last? Well, 142 two months later. It’s still going strong.

Tim and Carolyn, you guys are a perfect match, the perfect hot and cold, the yin and yang. The Moon to the Sun, the kind of match that without the other, you wouldn’t shine. I can’t begin to tell you how honored I am to stand in front of you two today and that, you know, if you ever need anything, I’m right up the street and I’ll be there. No questions asked. I love you both very much, and I could not be more excited for you today.

To Caroline and Tim… to the journey.